Friday, June 25, 2010

These Kids Melt My Heart!

Hopscotch Baby!

Clara & Owen, Owen & Clara

Adam and I know how incredibly lucky we are that we have two amazingly healthy and happy children. We also know how rare it is to have two children that love each other AND like each other (hopefully this will continue...)

It is a given that Owen loves Clara, but Clara actually really cares about her brother. She is concerned about him, plays with him, gives him toys, sings to him and lets me know when I let him cry too long (MOM!! Owen NEEDS YOU NOW!!!)

Here is Clara enjoying tummy time with her brother.
She is trying to teach him what the pictures are...Of course, she has to dress him up a little...
Clara then had a little picnic lunch in the living room while watching Sesame Street with her brother...

Cheap Labor

Clara is my little shadow. Clara is my little helper. Clara is my little mini-me. She loves to imitate me - always has.

You may remember THIS POST nearly two years ago. Isn't Clara so tiny and sweet - I could just gobble her up!

Laundry is still a constant in our house - especially now that we have another miniature person adding to the mix. We still have the crappy (but still working - knock on wood) dryer but I have smartened up and have just refilled that very Downy bottle with water. Spray, fluff and hang. Repeat.

Here is my little helper the other day...
How long do you think she will continue to do my laundry for me?

Happy Father's Day...

to the best Daddy in the world!
I Love You, Adam!

Granny and Papa!!!

Clara had her first overnight adventure with Adam's parents last week. She had a blast. Adam, Owen and I drove to Hideaway last Friday to spend some time with Granny, Papa and Great Ga-Ga and to bring Clara home.

Here are a few pictures from our quick trip...While we were there, we stopped by the local peach orchard to pick peaches. (Here is a link to the pictures from last year - can't believe I was 15 weeks pregnant when we went last August!) Unfortunately, we were about a week early so we weren't able to pick but everybody took time to explore the orchard for a while (well, minus Owen and myself - it was entirely too hot for him!)
Clara was in great spirits and excited to go home after a jam-packed, fun-filled couple of days. Clara is pass the point that she falls asleep in the car. We thought we would just do an early bedtime. When we got home she wanted to watch a show. She sat on the couch and this is what happened...
Now, Clara is nearly three and a half years old. She has NEVER fallen asleep in front of the television, nor does she just fall asleep anywhere. She has always been a light sleeper. I can actually count the number of times she has fallen asleep on our couch - THREE! One time she just had surgery and still had anesthetic still in her system, the second time she was really sick, and this was the third time!

I don't know what Granny and PaPa did, but we could not stir her.

I turned her show off and turned on something else, turned all the lights on, played with Owen right next to her, he screamed literally two feet from her head, we poked her, talked to her, tickled her - you name it. She would not wake up. Finally about three hours later we must have hit a good nerve when we mentioned food - dinner. She woke up!

Detective Clara

Sunday, June 20, 2010

One Year Ago Today...

we found out about Owen. It was actually the day before Father's Day.Soooo positive...
Just making sure that it wasn't a fluke!My, how this little boy fits SO well into our lives!

Life is Good.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Beauty of the Float

We seriously are feeling like we are melting the second we step outside. Every chance we get, we bring out the kiddie pool, sprinklers or slip and slide.

Unlike Adam, who is a total fish and LOVES to swim, I love the water but would much rather just hang out and float. I think Clara inherited Adam's fish traits because she is in constant motion anytime she is in water.

One day last week, I thought I would teach Clara the beauty of the float.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Four Months Old

Our little man is now four months old.
(I know, I am a bit late for this post -nearly two weeks - we just went to the doctor today.)

I'm not even going to do the whole "OMG my baby is 4 months and time is going so fast!" thing because I think it's a given that I'm all "OMG!" about it. 4 MONTHS! HOW?

He amazes me everyday at how social he is, yet he is so observant. He is completely 100% in love with his sister. Clara, in turn, is 99.9% in love with her brother. I couldn't ask for anymore.

Owen is now
13 pounds 11 ounces (25%)
25 1/2 inches long (75%)

We have another long and skinny kid. He is nearly the same size as Clara was at this age, though his thighs seem so much more brilliantly juicy and edible.

He stepped it up this last month and seems to have really grown. While 3 month clothes still fit, I have recently brought out the 6 month clothes.

Oddly enough, Owen eats a bit less than he did before. He now only takes about 3 to 4 ounces at a time, but still eats every two hours. We have begun rice cereal - not sure how much he actually gets down to his tummy because he is too busy giggling and laughing while I am feeding him.

Silly Boy.
Sleeping hasn't changed much. He stills loves it. Still waking up at least once a night. Sometimes more when he gets stuck somewhere in the crib (just installed the breathable bumpers, hopefully that will help...) While Momma loves her sleep and really can't remember how sleeping for an entire night uninterrupted feels like, I do know that he won't need me every night forever. This is still the only time I really have alone with him.

He has also developed this new cry that I need to get on video. If you put the sound of a cat fight, fingernails on a chalkboard and the sound of a mosquito in your ear in the blender - that is the sound of Owen's new cry. Can't wait to hear it can you?

Owen is definitely teething. Drooling, chewing, fussing, crying, you name it.
At least he has portable chew toys...He really is a happy boy though.
He is so fun to have around and just really goes with the flow.

I will leave you with the newest shark picture...
Three Months...

Two Months...
One Month...
Two Days Old...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Time for another edition of Clara-Cam. I don't think I have downloaded Clara's pictures from her camera for at least a couple of months. Here are the best of the best...

Clara taking a picture of herself in the mirror...
The little brother...


Me and Owen...
Upside down Owen...

Top of Owen's head...

Sesame Street...

Clara's Dollhouse...

Clara's Octopus...
Stroller wheels...


My absolute favorite, Adam...