Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We have a hoarder on our hands...

Hello, my name is Owen and I am a hoarder of pacifiers.
Lately, I have been wondering where all of Owen's pacifiers have been going. I don't leave them around the house. I always make sure there is a "Just in Case" pacifier in his crib. But for some reason, I just felt like they were disappearing. I even bought more about a month ago because I always felt I was loosing them.

I only knew half of it. They were disappearing but someone was making them disappear.

I went in to get Owen up from one of his naps today and I couldn't find his pacifier that I left him with. I looked all around and decided to move his crib on a whim.


I found a stash of pacifiers in a little pile between the wall and his crib. Seriously. They were in a pile.

Now I am wondering when this obsessive hoarding began...