Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little Girlie Time

Nothing says "Girlie Time" like a little nail polish...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Clara's Room

Clara's room is finally done! Officially 4 1/2 days before Little Man is born. Ignore the fact that we still don't have a mattress on the trundle but at least she has a while before her first sleepover! After a few touch ups of the letters of her name, Adam was able to hang the letters on the wall. They look great!

The quilt hanging on the wall is a gorgeous quilt my Mom made for her parents many years ago. I was so blessed that it was passed down to me after my Grandmother passed away. It is something that I have always loved and knew that I wanted it in a little girls room. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to have a little girl and was able to put it in her room! It has been hanging in Clara's room since before she was born. It was the inspiration of her nursery bedding and also helped me update her room to a little girls room.

My Mom made this for me when I was a little girl, I was about 4 years old...
Two of my favorite pictures - one of Clara with her Granny reading and one of Clara with her Thatcher - both drinking bottles when they were about nine and ten months old...

Reminds me of...

Clara playing in her room this morning...

Reminds me of...

This scene in the movie E.T...

Why am I excited about this?

I really don't know why I got so super excited about this but I did. Clara's hair is now long enough for a pony tail! Yeah!! What an exciting thing. I know you think I am weird but how much easier will it be to do her hair? Sweet!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Little Man's Room

So, I thought I would post a few pictures of the Little Man's room. It dawned on me last night that I haven't taken any pictures of it. My Mom did an incredible job on making the curtains and bed skirt. She is in the middle of finishing up the pillow for the chair. Also, I have a few more odds and ends I am still looking for for the shelves, but I figured I will find them eventually. The two posters on either side of the window are from Little Man's Uncle Mark that we had framed.

Don't you wish you had X-Ray Vision??? Underneath this beautiful brown paper is his name! Only Adam, myself and the man at Junk-a-Doodle know the name and he has been sworn to secrecy. But I do recommend shopping there! It is the greatest place to find cute stuff!
I fell in love with this silly old picture...

This cute little dog picture is actually a puzzle that Adam and I did in college. I had a pretty nasty roller-blading accident and was laid-up for a couple days. So, Adam took care of me and after we finished the puzzle he surprised me by having it framed.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Adam as a little boy - who doesn't love those naked baby pictures - especially ones in cowboy boots? The little silver cup and silverware was mine and is engraved with my name. I just thought it would be cute to display them in his room.

If you look carefully, you can see one of our nosy old cats in a few of the pictures. She will not leave my side anytime I am home. She is more clingy than Clara is right now. Everywhere I go, she goes. If I go outside, she will meow at the door until I come in. I guess she knows something is about to happen!

Clara's room is done, too! About time, huh? Well, I am waiting for her letters of her name to dry - Adam is painting them pink. As soon as we hang them, I will take pictures. It is such a girlie little room!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Like Mama, Like Clara

Lately, Clara has been really into playing house and playing with her baby doll and her stuffed animals. She has also been really enjoying all the baby items that we have either brought down from the attic or bought in the last few weeks such as the baby swing and the new bouncy seat.

Recently, she has been pretending that she has a baby in her belly. It has really cracked me up. I would see her just sitting watching television or reading a book or just playing in general and I look a little closer and she has a lumpy shirt - a stuffed animal up her shirt - she calls it "baby brother." The other day, I finally got her to let take a picture of her. After I took it, she said "The baby is ready! Mommy, you are the doctor. You have to take the baby out!"

Either she knows what she is talking about or I have been watching one too many "Baby Stories" on TLC.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Microbrew the Second Update!

Well, the visit with the high-risk specialist went well. Great actually. Little boy, though small, is perfectly healthy.

Yes, he will be skinny, but he is getting enough nutrients and actually put on a few ounces between last Tuesday and last Thursday. His head is measuring right on track and his belly and femurs are about a week and a half behind. He might just take after me in the height department! Poor thing ;)

It is just a huge relief and although we didn't have all this drama and second opinions with Clara, she was tiny, too. And now is thriving incredibly.

I would love for him to be closer to 6 pounds so I am doing my darnedest to eat and drink as many calories as I can. My Mother-in-Law is pushing the milk - so I have been chugging whole milk, soy milk and chocolate soy milk (I promise Linda!)

I would post the sonogram pictures but he had a mind of his own last Thursday. All he wanted us to see were his man-parts. Nearly every measurement was interrupted by a flash of man parts. He obviously has a mind and a sense of humor of his own!

Now, we just sit and wait. 10 days!!!!!!! Can't wait. I really can't wait.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 36 1/2

We went to our now-weekly OB appointment today. We were very excited and anxious since we are getting so close and I, especially, have been on pins and needles. He looked incredible. It is amazing compared to just a month ago. He has managed to fatten up a bit (while I seem to be doing the opposite.) He is measuring a little small but so did Clara at this point. He is still growing where as Clara pretty much stopped at this point. The computer, which they say usually adds about a half a pound in weight, estimated him to be about 5 pounds 6 ounces. So, a little under 5 pounds right now. His abdomen is measuring small so I am going to the high-risk specialist on Thursday to be certain that he is getting adequate nutrition. So essentially, worst case scenario, he could come within the week. We are just ready to meet him.

Here are a few amazing pictures we got from today. He looks so much like Clara! They have the same forehead, nose, and chin. He has a little hair, too. It will be fun to compare the two when he does make his appearance!

Sweet little foot...

Completely smooshed...

Aren't you ready to find out his name? Well, keep waiting. We have finally figured out a first name but we are still completely clueless on a middle name. We keep waiting to be inspired but so far nothing.

One word - Awkward

Any woman, well any normal woman, who has been pregnant and has done the obligatory belly profile picture is completely uncomfortable taking this picture. It is not a normal picture. It is a cruel imitation of a picture you would take in jail. One that is completely unflattering and shows every chin and swollen part of your ready to pop body. I remember vividly being so uncomfortable with taking this picture when I was pregnant with Clara. Pictures that I am not even sure of where they are.

Well, Adam and I attempted to take the picture on Saturday (when I was actually dressed and out of my beloved pajamas). Adam took several and these are the result.

My first picture...
That's it honey, you are a tiger...

Let's get a little more serious - the final result...
I am a lot smaller than I was with Clara - surprising because this time around we are having a boy. Clara took over every part of my body - swelling it from about 6 weeks pregnant and on. This one, a more difficult pregnancy and one that has been full of little surprises here and there, actually has been nicer to my body. He is actually quite a 'chill' little boy and I am hoping that will continue out in the real world. Clara on the other hand was a little feisty in my belly and definitely came out that way - pure, sassy, little girl.
I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon including sonogram. We will see how everything goes!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Little Painting Fun

Adam's Evening Nap

Each night before bath, Clara watches one of her cartoons to wind down. She typically sits with Adam to get some cuddle time in. After a long day of work, Adam gets to wind down, too. Pretty sweet.

Everyone,say it together...Awww......