Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Naked Dinner

Yes, you read it right. We had naked dinner tonight. Neither Adam or I participated in the naked part - don't worry. Spaghetti-O's was on the menu. I had to share why I call it naked dinner.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wet T-Shirt Contest

Wet T-Shirt Contest

To a toddler: Messy is funny. Wet and messy is even funnier.

Adam and I have come to the conclusion that our dining out days are over. Well, unless the restaurant has a playground.

Check out what Clara and Thatcher decided to do instead of eating quietly at the table this evening. We had some big laughs about it but you won't likely be seeing the six of us in a nice restaurant anytime soon. Needless to say, the kids rode home only in diapers.

Thanks for dinner you guys! And thanks for the memory!

Those nutty kids

The Martinez family came to visit last night. It has been a while since we have seen them. We had lots of fun catching up and watching the kids play and run laps around our house - they literally never stopped. Ann looked great half-way through her pregnancy, but I certainly don't envy her in 104 degree heat in Texas!

(Okay, so this picture is not so flattering but it proves I exist.)

Watch Out World - Clara gets a Mirror

With Clara's growing interest in clothes and dressing herself , such a girl thing, we thought she might enjoy having a mirror at her level to see herself in. Well, we were right. It was a total hit. We glued felt on the back just in case their was a wordrobe malfunction and the mirror broke. We gathered up a couple of hats and purses from around the house and played dress up with a few old tanktops of mine. Just think of Clara next time you visit an estate or yard sale.

Clara's reaction just after Adam hung it up in her room.

Can I keep it?

Dress up time!

So pretty!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Granny and Papa

Granny and Papa came to town this week and stopped by for a while to visit and to, of course, play. Clara loved seeing her Granny and Papa and showed off a few new things she has learned since they last came to town. We had fun dancing and playing with the maracas. And as you can see from the pictures, Clara loved having Papa pour toys on her head and wanted him to do it 'Gain!, 'Gain! Can't wait for them to come back next weekend!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our Weekly Kayla Fix

Crystal and I got together for our weekly playdate yesterday and I am just amazed at how much Kayla changes every week! When I am with Clara everyday, all day I don't see the changes as much. But when you see your friends children often, but not everyday, you really see the changes! Little Kayla showed off her rolling to us and Clara tried her hardest to act like a little baby rolling on the blanket and playing with the baby toys. We had a lot of fun!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Clara's First Haircut

Well, we finally did it. We broke down and took Clara to get her mop-head trimmed. We were totally prepared - we brought the camera, the videocamera (yes, we were those parents), a Baby Einstein DVD (she had her own personal television) and we even stopped at Whole Foods to buy her some lollipops. Well, three lollipops later (yes, three), Clara has a new 'do. She did surprisingly well, though a bit worried at times someone was playing with her hair. She was super excited about "driving" the yellow cab but refused to wear the cape to protect her clothes - oh well, we just came home and dunked her in the bath anyway. How the stylists cut hair on a moving target is beyond me.

Clara's New 'Do

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dallas Zoo

Dallas Zoo

This morning, we visited the Dallas Zoo with my parents, Aunt Susan, Ella and Zane. It was so much fun, we will probably get a membership for next year! We saw so many animals even though we didn't take many photos of them and although it was 100 degrees, we really had a great time. Enjoy the pictures!

The Beach

The Beach

Yesterday, we met my parents and my sister, Susan, and her kids, Ella and Zane, at "The Beach" in McKinney. It was a lot of fun, although Clara wanted nothing to do with the sand - she wouldn't even touch it! Oh well, we made the best of it, and she absolutely loved seeing Ella and Zane.

Clara and Kayla

Clara and I visited one of my best friends, Crystal, and her little daughter, Kayla on Wednesday. We went to float and play in their pool. No photos of the pool but Clara loved playing with a few of her old toys and seeing and kissing baby Kayla!

Sweet Girlie

Snack Time

Friday, July 11, 2008

Reading from a Different Point of View

Ever since Clara's Aunt Susan came over a couple weeks ago and played pony girl with her, Clara has loved to sing and play "pony." I was reading a book with Clara today and she decided that she wanted to read from a new vantage point.

Our Very Own Pampers Ad

If this doesn't look like a Pampers Ad to you then you're crazy. I scored some amazing coupons and decided to use them today at Babies R Us and came home with what seemed like the entire aisle of diapers. Clara always gets a kick out of climbing on any box we bring into our house so she was in heaven today. She even pushed them together making a little obstacle course right in our living room.