Happy Fourth of July! so it's a little late but we have been trying to recover from our trip to Midland to visit Shelly and Joe. We had a wonderful weekend and too bad it is such a long drive or we would be there a lot more! It was so fun catching up with them and seeing their progress on their house - pretty much a total remodel - and it looks so good! I have been re inspired to tackle mine. Now if I could just find some money for our master bathroom - it is screaming for a sledgehammer.
It was really fascinating driving out to Midland, granted I haven't been there in literally 10 years after living there my entire childhood and I missed the wide flat land and being able to see for miles. I love the new windmill farms, Adam and I were mesmerized by the hundreds we saw - in some places they were as far as you could see. Thank goodness someone is taking the initiative to take advantage of the wind and bring us clean energy! We also went down memory lane, driving by my old schools, hangouts and my old house.
On Saturday night, several of us - Shelly, Joe, Carson, Tiffany, Sara, Joe, Adam and I - went to Summer Mummers. Kind of a follies production followed by short skits. The kind of deal where you cheer on the hero in the story and boo and throw popcorn at the villain and everyone around you. I had a couple bags of popcorn thrown on my head, one of which by a total stranger! No wonder our beers came with lids and straws! No joke, there was at least 4 inches of popcorn on the ground by the end. We laughed so hard my abs hurt the next day.
Thanks Shelly and Joe for the wonderful weekend! We will be back very soon!
Enjoy the pics!
Care Package
A few weeks ago we got to send the first care package to our little boy in
Korea! Kyle and Haley has so much fun helping me pick out some things to
12 years ago