Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It has been awhile since we had a playdate with Thatch.
We finally had one today!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Farmer's Market

This morning we visited the Farmer's Market. When we woke up it was cloudy with drizzle and we decided to try to go anyway. It turned out to be great weather. It was Clara's first time there and she had so much fun. We walked around to see and sample the fruits and veggies and then were (yeah, big surprise) drawn to the plants. Adam and I have a slight addiction to anything garden related. Clara has definitely inherited this from us. She gets so excited to go to the plant store (I know the proper term is nursery, but for some unknown reason, I call it the plant store). This was unlike any plant store she has ever been to. You can imagine her excitement when the plants are as far as you can see (remember, she is only three feet tall).

After lunch and a nap, we headed outside to do some much needed gardening. Clara helped Adam plant the last of the Brewster crop. They planted peas in the garden and on the fence. We also have onions, tomatoes, squash, carrots, and several herbs. Last year, was an experimental garden to see what really grew. This year, though, we are really excited about it. I know when the veggies really start to grow, Clara will love to go collect them to eat!

The Return of Sister Mary Clara

While locked up over the last couple of weeks, not being able to go outside, we have had to create some indoor fun. We pretty much were going stir crazy this day, one of the many days we stayed in our pajamas until after nap. We raided all the closets looking for anything else that would keep us occupied. The Bumbo. Yes, Clara still fits into her Bumbo. She began using it at two months and at two years old, her thighs are still skinny enough to fit in and out of the Bumbo's small openings. She loves to take it room to room, reading, playing in the play kitchen and even watching television. While I was on the computer, Clara was watching TV and peeked my head around the corner to find this:
It's funny because my friend Shayla posted on her blog about her kids doing something similar just days before this happened, and I remember thinking that is hilarious - how in the world did they come up with that? Well, now I know. Kids, you gotta love them.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Second Birthday Thatcher!

Last Saturday, Thatcher had his second birthday party. We were so excited to help celebrate! It ended up being a beautiful day and we spent the afternoon playing in the backyard with a bubble machine, a parachute and Thatcher's sandbox. Unfortunately, my camera was on a weird setting and I didn't get ANY good pictures of the birthday boy. Rebecca and I still can't believe our babies are two! So, instead of showing off the party, I will show off some of the good times we have had over the last two years with our "Babies"
First Playdate: Thatch 2 weeks, Clara 8 weeks
First Swim: Thatch 3 months, Clara 4 months

Clara 11 months, Thatch 10 months

Clara's First Birthday
Thatcher's First Birthday

Happy Birthday Thatch! Thanks for being my best friend!

Other things...

We have been out of touch for a while. Between trying to gt Clara's asthma under control, attempting to stay healthy and one entirely crazy week at work, I have completely neglected updating our blog and checking email. We had a few scary nights with Clara but, again, thanking God for modern medicine, we seem to be in the clear for now. On Thursday, we went for allergy testing. I was thinking finger prick but no. I had the unfortunate privilege to literally lay on top of Clara while Adam had a death grip on her arm as the nurse drew vials of blood from her. I hope I never have to experience that again. We will see if the tests come back with anything that we change at home to help alleviate any of her symptoms. I am praying that it is not the cats!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great Easter celebration on Saturday with my family. Everyone came over for an egg hunt and cookout. My parents put a lot of thought and much appreciated effort into the hunt. The eggs were color coded and stuffed with not only candy but with little trinkets and toys. Ella got jewelry, Zane got a little car, animals, and little toy men, and Clara got a cute bracelet and little animals. We played a mean game of soccer with a beach ball and everyone had a turn on the swing. Both Adam and I took so many pictures that turned out so good that I wanted to share them all. Below is a slideshow but get comfy - it is a little long!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hall Ball

Granny came to visit on Friday and started a great game of what we called "Hall Ball." Clara has about 20 different balls of various sizes and by the end, I think every ball was in the game. It was a blast and really enjoyed Granny's quick trip!
What follows Hall Ball: a little cuddle and nebulizer treatment
You gotta love modern day medicine and modern day Granny :)

Egg Hunt

On Thursday, Clara's Mother's Day Out had their Easter Egg Hunt. The weather was a tad unpredictable - drizzle off and on all day - so they had it inside in the Rumpus Room. All the kids had a great time and then it was off to the room for cookies that Clara brought for the class and juice.
Clara was first in line for the Egg Hunt
Thatcher was very excited for the Hunt

Clara picked these cookies out because they had pink sparkles on them.
She told me at the store "my friends like pink sparkles."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Granny and Papa

We visited Granny and Papa this weekend. It was a great trip and had really nice time. Granny stocked up on new toys and books for Clara. The toys we brought didn't even see the light of day Clara enjoyed them so much. Oh and before you ask, yes, that is a dog you see in the pictures. That is Gumbo and, THANK YOU LORD, Clara didn't have one single issue the whole weekend with Gumbo. I was quite nervous about her asthma but not one cough or wheeze! Yeah!!!! Enjoy the pics!

My favorite picture of the weekend is below. As Linda calls Clara: Sister Mary Clara
Clara does this thing with blankets and wraps it around her head and body, she totally looks like a nun. It is hilarious. This picture just makes me laugh because of the way Linda and Brew are just staring at her like she is so holy. Too funny.

Baby Bop Hop

Since we have made a playroom in our third bedroom, our old guest bed is sitting in the garage. I have been lazy in calling Goodwill but Clara hasn't seemed to mind. She has really enjoyed having her own personal bounce place right inside her house. She started singing "The Baby Bop Hop" song while jumping and I was lucky enough to capture it on video. The video is above and below are just some cute photos I captured, too.

Free Fashion Tips

Fireman's hat, cowboy apron, white satin high heels, straw purse, gold metal, and a stick horse.
Any questions?


A couple of weekends ago, we spent the afternoon in the garden. I wanted to share a few of the pictures from that day. This was the first time that Clara had been outside in a week and a half. She was so excited to be outside since she is an outside girl at heart. She spent hours in the dirt and just soaking in the sun that afternoon.

Here she is mid-sentence. She was talking my ear off about everything that was on her mind at that moment. Unfortunately I can't remember what she was talking about but I know I was enjoying every word.

Clara's new face when you say cheese:

Clara wanted a pickle and goldfish for snack. That poor pickle doesn't have a chance...