Monday, April 6, 2009

Granny and Papa

We visited Granny and Papa this weekend. It was a great trip and had really nice time. Granny stocked up on new toys and books for Clara. The toys we brought didn't even see the light of day Clara enjoyed them so much. Oh and before you ask, yes, that is a dog you see in the pictures. That is Gumbo and, THANK YOU LORD, Clara didn't have one single issue the whole weekend with Gumbo. I was quite nervous about her asthma but not one cough or wheeze! Yeah!!!! Enjoy the pics!

My favorite picture of the weekend is below. As Linda calls Clara: Sister Mary Clara
Clara does this thing with blankets and wraps it around her head and body, she totally looks like a nun. It is hilarious. This picture just makes me laugh because of the way Linda and Brew are just staring at her like she is so holy. Too funny.