Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday Morning Cuddle

My Blue-Eyed Brewster Babes

First Dip in the Pool

I wasn't sure how Owen would react to the kiddie pool - he LOVES his baths - but cool water in the sunshine? I thought he would have the same reaction as Clara...Yep, Clara hated the water.

I didn't even put a swimsuit on him - just the swim diaper, which, by the way, was HUGE. Even with all the extra chub, the smallest size swim diaper looks like this...

He loved every second of it. Clara loved having him in there with her. She cannot wait to have him interact with her more and this is just one step closer to playing together.

Owen enjoyed it so much, that we brought the Bumbo out...
I can't wait to see him in a big pool!

First Haircut

While I don't have footage or photos of Owen's first haircut, I do have physical evidence. I am sure this is the first of MANY haircuts in this little boy's future.

Don't worry, Owen still has the most awesome head of hair - I just could not continue to let his little wild hairs grow.

The Making of a Chunk

So this may not be the most flattering position to be photographed in but Owen definitely has the beginnings of some super-yummy chunkiness. Look how big he is getting!!!!

I never got to enjoy chubby thighs with Clara - they just grew long (and they are still growing) - seriously, she is going to be taller than me by the time she is ten years old. But, I have been loving the pudgy, skwoosh of Owen's rolls.

Of course, he gets it honestly. After all, Adam was a bit husky and I apparently had six chins according to my mom. But that is another post for another day...

Strike a Pose

Clara is not especially interested in taking pictures lately. Well, unless there is a bribe involved or you encourage her to be just plain crazy. That is exactly what we did the other night. Yes, the song "Vogue" might have been sung just a bit...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Adam!

We celebrated Adam's birthday yesterday by hanging out around the house and just enjoying each other. He had the pleasure of watching almost an entire Rangers game without interruptions from the kids (I say almost - hey, we tried to let him relax as much as we could!) Unfortunately, the Rangers didn't win!

I made him a chocolate cake with pink icing (don't laugh, Clara picked the color out). She even decorated it with rainbow sprinkles (again, Clara's idea). I wasn't very quick with the camera - I was holding Owen while attempting to take pictures so this is my only picture...We love you Adam! Happy 31st!

Owen's Progress

Since we have been taking Owen to the chiropractor, we have noticed a lot of progress during tummy time. He holds his head up more and begins with his head straight up or at least looking directly in front of him. As he gets more tired, he goes back to what he used to look like. Now, it is all about getting his muscles to be equally as strong.It is a such a relief to know that he isn't in pain anymore!
I love my happy boy!
I love this next is as if he is saying, "Are you done taking pictures yet Mom?"

Clara's Cat

Clara said, "Mommy, I drew a cat."
I replied, "Really? That's nice."
Clara, "You want to see it."

This is what she said, " Look, I drew whiskers, toys, and a star."

This is what she drew...

Hanging by the Kiddie Pool

So, Summer doesn't officially start for another month but let's face it - we live in Texas. It gets hot in April and stays hot until November. Last Sunday, it hit 90 degrees so we broke out the kiddie pool. Boy, did it feel good. I think we spent the entire day outside just hanging out. While Owen did sport his little bathing suit, he didn't get in. He was completely satisfied just watching the rest of us play.

Shelly and Taylor!!!!!

My dear friend Shelly was in town very briefly last week and stopped by to meet Owen and cuddle Clara. She brought her ADORABLE daughter Taylor and I got some cuddle time in, too! Shelly - we can't wait to see you on the 4th!Hopefully Owen won't be so cranky next time you come!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!

Granny and Papa came to visit last weekend. Since Friday was Papa's birthday, Clara and I made cupcakes for him and Clara also decorated them all by herself. Unfortunately, we didn't take too many pictures but we had a great time Linda and Brew! Can't wait to see you again soon!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome to Claraville

Clara wanted a road to drive on this morning. Then she wanted a city. She was very specific about what she wanted in her city: A firehouse, a park, not just one, but two gas stations, Wal-Mart (strange because we rarely go), a red-circle store (AKA Target), a mall, a school, a plant store, a house for Clara and a house for Owen. Here are a few pictures from our morning...

Owen's house...
At the park. She is sitting on a swing that I drew...
Clara's house...
Oh, and apparently their is a traffic problem in her city.
"Mommy, I am in traffic!" she yelled across the driveway...

Eye Watch 2010, May Edition

Time for another edition of Eye Watch. Yes, I know. I am a dork.

Remember March and April?

I guess Owen has decided to stop wearing his baby contact lenses and stop the guessing game. For now, at least.

This is the only color we have seen lately...They are pretty blue but much darker than Clara's.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Quotable Clara

Here are a few things Clara has said in the last week I wanted to be sure and write down. Oh, and don't ask me what she is doing in this picture. Only Clara knows why there was a Bumbo on her head and she apparently kept that reason to herself.

"I'm Clara and I'm crafty."

"Mommy, when it stops raining, maybe we can slide on the rainbows."

"I like the air conditioner, it smells like air."

"When I get bigger, I won't be so small."

"Owen, you are a stinky baby."

Clara: "When I get bigger, I am going to be a Mommy."
Mommy: "You will be a great Mommy."
Clara: "Yeah, I can work the remote to the TV, too."

Clara: "This is my favorite kind of lollipop"
Mommy: "How do you know? You have never had that kind before."
Clara: "It just looks like something I like."

Mommy: "I love you, Clara"
Clara: "I know, I love me, too."

Clara: "Is Owen sleeping now?"
Mommy (walking out of Owen's room): "Yes."
Clara: "Yeah! Now we can really have fun!"

I saved the best for last...

Clara: "When Owen gets bigger, I am going to teach him how to go poop on the potty."
Mommy: "That will be a big help."
Clara: "Yeah. Daddy will have to teach him how to go pee-pee because I have a different vagina than Owen."

Blowing Bubbles

You know Summer is right around the corner when we bust out the bubbles in the Brewster house...

Owen was so inspired by all the bubble blowing that he decided to make some of his own...