So we have a little book worm on our hands. The child has loved books from day one and now has a bit of an obsession. She will literally go hours with just books, sometimes only a couple to keep her busy for ten minutes. Right now, Clara could really care less about toys. She sits and "reads" to herself, pointing at the pictures and turning the pages. A few of the books, she recognizes a shape or something and says what it is. Like the other day, I had no idea she knew what a heart was, and all of a sudden she says "Art!" while pointing at a heart. One of her favorite books is an Eric Carle First Words book and she sat there and named off "Oy" (boy), "Tar" (star), "Soon" (sun), "Maow" (she says meow for cat), and "Ouse" (house). I was floored. Adam got a five-minute message on his answering machine at work for that.
So here is a video from this afternoon. The video I took literally went on for twelve minutes (no joke) so instead of boring you with it, I have condensed it for you. Enjoy her read aloud!
Care Package
A few weeks ago we got to send the first care package to our little boy in
Korea! Kyle and Haley has so much fun helping me pick out some things to
12 years ago