Friday, September 5, 2008

18 Month Checkup

Clara had her 18 month check up today. She is a healthy, tiny thing. Although she has a great appetite, she just decided to not pack on too many pounds since her last visit and gained a mere 7 ounces and only a 1/4 of an inch.
Her new stats:
Weight - 21 1/2 pounds (15%)
Length - 33 inches (80%)
Head - 17 3/4 inches (15%)

We were also given the go ahead to feed her peanuts and peanut butter. Sweet! So, what do you think we fed the child tonight? Yes, that's right, well we tried anyway. We met Rebecca and Bryce at Jason's Deli for dinner and they served up a mighty fine PB sandwich (minus the J - Clara doesn't like her foods mixed - crazy little lady she is). She thought we were absolutely nutty (pardon the pun) and pushed it away after we got this reaction:

As if to say "What am I supposed to do with this sticky, dry sandwich?"

So she ended up eating edamame and garbanzo beans. Strange kid. Give me the choice - Bring on the peanut butter sandwich baby! Well, in the end, we rewarded the kids with ice cream cones (Thatcher's first one) and the pictures tell it all.