Tuesday, October 14, 2008

State Fair of Texas

My sister, my mom and I took Clara, Ella, and Zane to the State Fair of Texas yesterday. We did a lot more than you will see on our blog. For some reason (besides the Barney photos below) I elected to only take pictures of the kids eating. Notice there is no evidence of Susan, Mom or me eating (Thank Goodness!) I am proud to say that everything Clara ate yesterday she had never tried before (because who in their right mind would EVER make Chicken Fried Bacon at home?) You name we tried it and we felt like we ate lard about an hour later. Needless to say, our dinner last night was a super yummy, all natural, healthy salad.
Cotton Candy Goatee
Cotton Candy
The Infamous Chicken Fried Bacon i.e. instant artery clogger
Twister Tators
Bag O' Sugar
Twister Tators in One Hand and Chicken Fried Bacon in the Other