I won! I won! I won a fabulous gold metal at our
Stroller Strides Olympics. Well, unfortunately, although I will treasure it forever, it does not fit my neck. I had to pass it to the next person who would be able to represent our family to the best of her ability and that was indeed Clara. Clara refused to take off the gold metal all day, she wore it proudly to several stores today and Clara's adoring fans (old, white haired ladies) loved the touch of gold. Here are a few pics of our day.

Okay, so I had to add this picture from our evening. Clara is laying on a now-retired swaddling blanket but found new life as a wonderful dust rag - it's clean people! Look how HUGE she is! I cannot believe I used to swaddle her little 5-pound body in that blanket! I couldn't even attempt to wrap it around her once, not that she would sit still anyway to even try to swaddle her now. Anyway, I better not blink anymore or she will wake up taller than me tomorrow - okay so that really is possible.