Holy Cow, we made it. Adam and I gave each other a high-five on Owen's first birthday. Life with two kids - we are still here and still sane, somewhat.
Still wondering how we went from this...

To this, one year later...

Owen is his Daddy's little shadow. Wherever Adam is, Owen is right there with him. He cannot stand it when Adam leaves the room or does something without him. They are connected at the hip whenever Adam is home. Pretty darn cute, too.

How do you even begin to describe your child to someone? Seriously, it is impossible. Owen is an amazing little guy. He is curious, but not naughty. Sometimes, studying something so seriously on the floor, but doesn't pick it up. He is serious, but silly. The nurse at the doctor's office calls him a "Man-Baby" he looks just like a little man and can be a tough audience for anything goofy. But when you get him going, he is definitely a giggler. He is a charmer, but a ladies man. He can give anyone a sweet look but loves him some ladies. One day at Adam's office, he waved at each woman he saw, but as far as the men, he just stared them down.

Owen is not walking yet, he actually doesn't really have an interest. He will cruise the furniture with his fingertips and even let go but I really don't see him walking anytime in the near future. He has TWO walkers that he can push around the house but doesn't like them, in fact, Clara uses them instead. He will walk holding your hands but just laughs the entire time he is on his feet.

Owen had his well-baby check this week, two weeks late, but who's counting?
Owen is...
19 pounds, 13 ounces (10%)
29 1/2 inches (45%)
The doctor seems happy with everything. Finally growing on a consistent curve. Unfortunately, he just may take after my side of the family in terms of height and stature. Oh well, at least he has his smile...

Four teeth on the top and four teeth on the bottom. Two molars are making their appearance - very slowly, as well as a couple others are trying to surface as well. He definitely lets me know about it.
Owen is now eating! After beginning solids at four months, dealing with gagging and vomit and several visits to the occupational therapist, I would say he is somewhat a good eater. He definitely has his favorites: pasta, bread and crackers (carbs: his Mother's child) and could live without fruits and veggies (again, his Mother's child) but he is eating. He will try anything on his plate, whether or not he will like it is another story...
No more bottle for this little boy, we have found our sippy cup combo that works for him so it was painless to get rid of it. I just threw them out and he never wondered about it.
As for the pacifier is concerned, he really doesn't need it. Although, Momma needs to talk on the phone to her customers so sometimes I am weak and give Owen "the Plug" if he is being noisy. We actually just forgot to give it to him at night and we recently realized that he hasn't had it in bed for about a week. I guess, I could throw those out, too.
We have definitely not baby proofed as much as we did with Clara. All we have are the cabinets locks in the kitchen and a gate on Clara's room and he seems fine with that. He is curious but I have Clara to help me watch him and she definitely has eyes in the back of her head when it comes to what Owen is doing and where he is.

Although, we were beyond blessed with new toys for his first birthday, he loves playing with tupperware, socks, and paper. But if I had to name his favorites it would be balls and books.
Owen will say dada (daddy) and at (cat) and dat (when he points) and ba (either ball or book) but verbally he is a whole bunch of random, manly sounds that we try to figure out daily.
Owen is now eating! After beginning solids at four months, dealing with gagging and vomit and several visits to the occupational therapist, I would say he is somewhat a good eater. He definitely has his favorites: pasta, bread and crackers (carbs: his Mother's child) and could live without fruits and veggies (again, his Mother's child) but he is eating. He will try anything on his plate, whether or not he will like it is another story...
No more bottle for this little boy, we have found our sippy cup combo that works for him so it was painless to get rid of it. I just threw them out and he never wondered about it.
As for the pacifier is concerned, he really doesn't need it. Although, Momma needs to talk on the phone to her customers so sometimes I am weak and give Owen "the Plug" if he is being noisy. We actually just forgot to give it to him at night and we recently realized that he hasn't had it in bed for about a week. I guess, I could throw those out, too.
We have definitely not baby proofed as much as we did with Clara. All we have are the cabinets locks in the kitchen and a gate on Clara's room and he seems fine with that. He is curious but I have Clara to help me watch him and she definitely has eyes in the back of her head when it comes to what Owen is doing and where he is.

Although, we were beyond blessed with new toys for his first birthday, he loves playing with tupperware, socks, and paper. But if I had to name his favorites it would be balls and books.
Owen will say dada (daddy) and at (cat) and dat (when he points) and ba (either ball or book) but verbally he is a whole bunch of random, manly sounds that we try to figure out daily.

Owen's lovely locks of hair have turned from jet black at birth to reddish brown, about the same color as mine. His hair grows crazy fast. I feel the need to keep it short for a couple of reasons. First of all, I don't want him looking like Squiggy. Second of all, I cannot resist when he comes back from the barber shop looking like this...

Until next time, I will leave you with this smile...