Back to reality.
We had a wonderful vacation in St Louis at my family reunion. It was a week full of catching up with Aunts, Uncles, and cousins, sightseeing, driving - over 1400 miles to be exact. We came home with nearly three hundred pictures on our camera and I have yet to sort through them.
We are back.
Thank goodness we were even able to go. I am sure this post is familiar. Well, on Monday while in a museum in St Louis, I finally got a call from the pediatrician. After multiple tests, cultures, and a visit to a pediatric gastrointestinal specialist, we finally found out that Clara had a severe case of salmonella. Yep. Salmonella.
I wish it upon NO ONE!
I always knew salmonella was nasty but never that nasty. Like a few days of diarrhea and you were done (which mild cases are.) I also thought it was only food born - like with raw chicken. NOPE! While that is one way to contract Salmonella it is not the only way.
You can contract it from animals mainly reptiles but others, too. You can get it from any kind of poop (human or animal).
Apparently, Salmonella can live on ANY SURFACE - wet or dry, dirty or "clean."
It can continue to grow on ANY SURFACE for up to
Even worse, if the surface is wet, at room temperature, it can continue to grow for
That means Clara could have picked it up ANYWHERE. The store, swimming lessons, our house, from the cats or a neighbors dog, at the park, a restaurant. You name it.
So, my advice to you - Wash your hands.
Lunch anyone???
We are back.
Thank goodness we were even able to go. I am sure this post is familiar. Well, on Monday while in a museum in St Louis, I finally got a call from the pediatrician. After multiple tests, cultures, and a visit to a pediatric gastrointestinal specialist, we finally found out that Clara had a severe case of salmonella. Yep. Salmonella.
I wish it upon NO ONE!
I always knew salmonella was nasty but never that nasty. Like a few days of diarrhea and you were done (which mild cases are.) I also thought it was only food born - like with raw chicken. NOPE! While that is one way to contract Salmonella it is not the only way.
You can contract it from animals mainly reptiles but others, too. You can get it from any kind of poop (human or animal).
Apparently, Salmonella can live on ANY SURFACE - wet or dry, dirty or "clean."
It can continue to grow on ANY SURFACE for up to
Even worse, if the surface is wet, at room temperature, it can continue to grow for
That means Clara could have picked it up ANYWHERE. The store, swimming lessons, our house, from the cats or a neighbors dog, at the park, a restaurant. You name it.
So, my advice to you - Wash your hands.