So, we had originally planned a fun-filled Fourth of July weekend with our great friends. Well, that plan was obviously blotched by the numerous, fun-filled visits to the various bathrooms we have in our house by Clara (don't take the fun-filled part literally).
While we STILL don't know what is or was wrong with her after THREE visits to the doctor in 6 days - this sickness seems to slowly be leaving her system.
Excuse me while I go knock on wood.
We are all holding our breath since our vacation is creeping up on us VERY QUICKLY.
So, after putting the kids to bed (Clara, unfortunately didn't even last to 7:30 to enjoy a few sparklers) Adam and I did what every red-blooded American does on July4th, flip through the channels on the television wondering why we pay for 200 channels of "there's nothing on TV."
Around 9:30, we got the crazy notion to test out the fireworks Adam brought home last week.

Kids - that is why you don't play with fire.
Good thing we had the hose handy...