Am I in a time machine? I have tried not to blink.
Owen is now five months old.
FIVE!He has got to be the happiest, silliest, wiggliest, funniest, goofiest, sweetest little dude ever. Owen is very vocal and loves having conversations in his native tongue - Chewbacca talk.

Owen is now
14 pounds 8 ounces
My little man has grown into 6 month clothes, size 2 diapers and size 3 diapers at night.

Owen can now chug down five ounces every two and a half hours. He just might eat us out of house and home pretty soon. I feel as though I feed him constantly.
He has moved onto oatmeal cereal and seems to enjoy it but with this whole nasty sickness with Clara, introducing new foods has taken a backseat for a while. It is pretty funny though, when we feed him, we can't shovel it in fast enough. He gets frustrated eating is definitely not as efficient as drinking out of a bottle. But there is still lots of flirting on his part.

We are also practicing with the sippy cup...

Sleeping is still going great - actually better. Four to five naps during the day and about 12 hours at night. We also just decided to stop feeding him at night. I always heard that by six months babies don't need the extra nutrients at night. So now, when he wakes up, we just plug him with the pacifier and that seems to make him just as happy.

He has been going through a phase where he refuses to roll over from his tummy to his back in bed and last night he finally did it. I mean he has been doing it since two and a half months and why he refused to do it in bed was beyond comprehension.
Goofy boy.
Teething. Ahh...You forget how miserable a kid can be. With bone pushing slowly through flesh, I mean do you blame them for screaming? I have tried many things but so far the best thing is this little Sophie Giraffe. He loves it.

A squeaky toy for babies. It rocks. Err...squeaks.

I will leave you with a glance at the latest shark picture...
Five months...notice the shark has become a chew toy...

Four Months...

Three months...

Two months...

One month...

Two days old...