We have been a bit out of touch lately. Poor Clara has had a nasty bug - so nasty that I refuse to go into detail. Just know that Clara is hanging in there and no one else has gotten it.
Between the fact that I thought I had some symptoms and trying to balance the sickness and a five month old who insists on putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, we sent Owen to stay with my parents for a few nights. Originally, it was just going to be for one night (because the sickness was DAY AND NIGHT) but my Dad brought him home and, no joke, three hours later, he had to come back to pick him up.
We just keep thinking - maybe this is the end (of the sickness) but - NO!!! - seven days later, Clara is still having issues.
Now that Adam is home for the long weekend, Owen is back home with us so it has been much easier to keep up with the laundry, disinfecting, and cuddling. We just tag team the kids.
Now that Adam is home for the long weekend, Owen is back home with us so it has been much easier to keep up with the laundry, disinfecting, and cuddling. We just tag team the kids.
Our pediatrician has done all sorts of testing - Crypto, Rotovirus, E Coli, Giardia, and several parasites. While not all the tests are in, we still don't know what is going on.
Thankfully, Clara is a water-holic and we have had no problems keeping her hydrated. Her appetite is slowly coming back. She is also asking to do crafts again (that's my girl!)
Hopefully we are towards the end of this!!!
Unfortunately, Clara missed an entire week of swim lessons (where I think she picked this up) and we had to cancel plans with some of our best friends - our annual Fourth of July celebration together. We were completely bummed about this. So you have heard of Christmas in July, maybe we will celebrate the Fourth in December! What do you think Shelly and Joe???
Hopefully we are towards the end of this!!!
Unfortunately, Clara missed an entire week of swim lessons (where I think she picked this up) and we had to cancel plans with some of our best friends - our annual Fourth of July celebration together. We were completely bummed about this. So you have heard of Christmas in July, maybe we will celebrate the Fourth in December! What do you think Shelly and Joe???