So, with Owen being so little, we split the eleven hour drive into two days. Between not being a big fan of the car, not a good sleeper in the car and teething - our drive up there was interesting - Clara loves an adventure but Owen, on the other hand, has his own opinions. But, he was a trooper.

Ignoring the cries...

Second stop: The Oklahoma border - Owen got hungry, how else do you warm a cold bottle but with coffee...

Yes, you read that right second stop. Our first stop was just thirty minutes from our house for a potty break. It was a slow drive...
We knew we truly made it to the heart of Oklahoma when we saw this guy at lunch...
Spurs and all.

And when you see this from the highway in the middle of nowhere Missouri, you gotta stop...

Lucky for us, it was located next to the "World's Largest Candy Store" or so they claim...

We let Clara chose anything she wanted - after about two full laps of inspecting all the candy and what did she chose? Yep, a lollipop. Poor child. That was her lunch. We ended up just snacking all day in the car but she thought it was the best thing to have a lollipop for lunch.

Poor little brother just got a clean pacifier to suck on...

Seems like a theme this trip, but we also saw the "World's Largest Rocking Chair"
Oh, yeah.

So, the first full day there all 36 of us invaded the
Magic House. It was an amazing children's museum. It is located in an old Victorian home that was added on to in an incredible way. Each room had different interactive exhibits. It was a total hit with the kids. There was a three story beanstalk to climb (Clara was too timid to climb it), lots of "air" exhibits, sand and water discovery areas, a replica of the Oval Office, a construction site, and, yes, patriotic karaoke. We were there nearly four hours and didn't come close to seeing everything!

The end of a long day - wardrobe malfunction :)

The next day we went to
Grant's Farm. It is a beautiful place full of all sorts of animals - nearly 900 - including some exotic animals. We took a safari ride through the farm, bottle-fed goats, saw an elephant show, and took a carousel ride. Anheuser-Busch owns the farm and so we also got free beer. It definitely hit the spot since it was about 100 degrees.

This was about four o'clock in the afternoon - after our long day at Grant's Farm. She just couldn't go anymore...

Don't you love her rainbow toenails?? By special request with sparkles.