Our little man is now four months old.
(I know, I am a bit late for this post -nearly two weeks - we just went to the doctor today.)
I'm not even going to do the whole "OMG my baby is 4 months and time is going so fast!" thing because I think it's a given that I'm all "OMG!" about it. 4 MONTHS! HOW?
He amazes me everyday at how social he is, yet he is so observant. He is completely 100% in love with his sister. Clara, in turn, is 99.9% in love with her brother. I couldn't ask for anymore.
Owen is now
13 pounds 11 ounces (25%)
25 1/2 inches long (75%)We have another long and skinny kid. He is nearly the same size as Clara was at this age, though his thighs seem so much more brilliantly juicy and edible.
He stepped it up this last month and seems to have really grown. While 3 month clothes still fit, I have recently brought out the 6 month clothes.
Oddly enough, Owen eats a bit less than he did before. He now only takes about 3 to 4 ounces at a time, but still eats every two hours. We have begun rice cereal - not sure how much he actually gets down to his tummy because he is too busy giggling and laughing while I am feeding him.
Silly Boy.

Sleeping hasn't changed much. He stills loves it. Still waking up at least once a night. Sometimes more when he gets stuck somewhere in the crib (just installed the breathable bumpers, hopefully that will help...) While Momma loves her sleep and really can't remember how sleeping for an entire night uninterrupted feels like, I do know that he won't need me every night forever. This is still the only time I really have alone with him.
He has also developed this new cry that I need to get on video. If you put the sound of a cat fight, fingernails on a chalkboard and the sound of a mosquito in your ear in the blender - that is the sound of Owen's new cry. Can't wait to hear it can you?
Owen is definitely teething. Drooling, chewing, fussing, crying, you name it.
At least he has portable chew toys...

He really is a happy boy though.
He is so fun to have around and just really goes with the flow.

I will leave you with the newest shark picture...

Three Months...

Two Months...

One Month...

Two Days Old...