Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rhyme Time

Well, if you have spent anytime with Clara lately, you know very well that she LOVES to rhyme.

I mean...


It feels as though we "playing a rhyming game" (as Clara calls it) all the time. In the bathtub, in the car, playing at the park, in the stroller, at the store...

Well, today at Hobby Lobby, Clara and I were playing a rhyming game. I always let her pick the word that we rhyme. And sometimes she gets so excited that she says these words LOUDLY.

We were rhyming for about 10 minutes (that's a lot of rhyming let me tell you) and she decided to rhyme the word

- drum roll please -


Can you see where this is going????

My child said the 'F' word LOUDLY in the middle of Hobby Lobby.

It was crowded.

Lots of white haired ladies.

Talk about embarrassed.

Well, at least she doesn't know what it means. YET.