My goodness, how fast time flies! Owen is now one month old! How did that happen? Wasn't it just yesterday that I gave birth? Seems that way.
Owen Davis is now...
8 pounds 11 ounces
21 1/4 inches long
We were shocked at his weight gain. In a span of one month, Owen has put on a whopping two and a half pounds!
My little "Super Boy"
Owen Davis is now...
8 pounds 11 ounces
21 1/4 inches long
We were shocked at his weight gain. In a span of one month, Owen has put on a whopping two and a half pounds!
My little "Super Boy"

Owen continues to be an incredible baby. I, honestly, have no complaints. A majority of the time, I don't even mind getting up at night. It is really the only quiet time we have alone together. Yes, sometimes I go to bed before Clara and am exhausted during the day and really wish that I could form complete sentences on a regular basis but I wouldn't change it for anything!
He is a very calm sweet boy who just really fits into our family. Owen loves to be held and cuddled. He also loves a good, tight swaddle. He is now completely transitioned to his crib, which he really loves.
Owen continues to wear newborn clothes and newborn diapers. Some of his newborn onesies are slowly becoming too short but they still fit perfectly around his body. He finally outgrew the preemie pants he came home from the hospital in last weekend and is now working hard on growing into AND out of his newborn pants!
Owen really belts out a good scream when he is forced to do tummy time...
Owen still takes baths in the bathroom sink, we will have to transition him to the kitchen sink soon but for now, Clara loves to help clean him up!

Here is a picture of Owen at one month with the shark that Clara got him:

We plan on taking pictures each month with this shark to show how much he is growing. Here is Owen at two days old with the shark:
Owen continues to wear newborn clothes and newborn diapers. Some of his newborn onesies are slowly becoming too short but they still fit perfectly around his body. He finally outgrew the preemie pants he came home from the hospital in last weekend and is now working hard on growing into AND out of his newborn pants!

Here is a picture of Owen at one month with the shark that Clara got him:

We plan on taking pictures each month with this shark to show how much he is growing. Here is Owen at two days old with the shark: