Clara is three. Yes, I said it. My baby is three.
Tiny girl. Little one. Clara B. Blue-eyed wonder. Spunky Brewster. Happiest girl on Earth. My pop tart. The tiniest little thing that left the hospital at 4 pounds, 11 ounces is now three. Three years old. My girl is three years old. I really can't believe it.
Clara transformed my world more than I could have ever believe. This girl turned my world upside down. Things that I thought were important melted away the moment I held her in my arms. The woman I thought I was, was gone forever the instant she came into this world.
Clara Elizabeth made me a Mother.
Clara has taught me things no other human being has ever done. Life through her eyes is an amazing thing. A beautiful thing. She delights Adam and me with her enthusiasm for life, and often Adam and I have to check with each other to see if we have heard you correctly. One morning, I told you we had to clean the bathroom and you said, "Yeah! That sounds like a great idea!"
Every night, after she is in bed, we settle down to watch a show or read a book, Adam and I will first talk to each other in her voice or repeat something amazing or something ridiculous she said during the day, because we miss her already. She is ours.
Happy 3rd Birthday Clara. We love you.