Alien Abduction? No, but wait till you see the picture below.
Last weekend, we took a much needed trip to Hideaway. It is always good to get out of the big city and relax with Adam's parents. We had a great time catching up and Granny and Papa did what they do best - spoil and play with Clara.
Since we are still cameraless (if that is not a word, I just invented it) we borrowed Linda and Brew's camera while we were there. You would think that we forgot how to take pictures because we completely forgot to check the settings and just went camera crazy and started taking pictures. Unfortunately, very few of the pictures we took really turned out because we had it on a strange setting. It is a shame because we had such a good time.
On Saturday night, we went to their neighborhood Fall Festival and Clara got to wear her Halloween costume for the first time. She was in heaven - that girl just loves to dress up! If you can't tell from the pictures (I forgot the face paint) but she is a black cat. There are several pictures and at the end there is a video from the Festival that I had to share of Clara dancing her interpretation of the Bunny Hop. Er, the Cat Hop? Enjoy!