Well, I did it. I broke the camera. I am not especially good with portable electronics. For example, who can forget the time I left my phone, for some unknown reason, on the bumper of my car and drove off only to find it in the smallest of pieces at a nearby intersection? Our beloved camera that we have had for years, the one that we took halfway across the world with us. I broke it. On a concrete driveway. I guess there is only some many times you can drop something. Especially on concrete.
Here is the last picture I took: 

Clara is modeling a huge shirt that Uncle Mark gave her. It was so cute on and she loved it. I wanted to take a picture of her...
I obviously was in denial that the camera could still possibly work.
Needless to say, posting might be at a minimum for a while. We do have another camera, but I have done something to that as well sometime ago and it refuses to hold a charge for even a picture. That must be why cameras have straps to hang on your wrist or neck...