I have hit the mark in the pregnancy that, according to this website, our little baby boy begins to fatten up. Well, either that or they are running out of fruit. So, apparently, from week 21 to 24, Microbrew the Second is a papaya.

I had a doctor's checkup last week and everything looked good - no sonogram this time - the heartbeat was strong and I am measuring right on track (size of my gut) but I have been told to gain more weight. It is weird, I should be loving the fact that I have been given the green light to eat anything and everything just short of lard, but I really have no idea how I can possibly eat any more. With Clara, my weight gain was pretty steady, but this time, not so much. In the nearly six months I have been pregnant, I have only gained 7 pounds. At this point, the recommendation was 13 pounds. My homework: calories and to gain more than a mere pound before next month's checkup.
Yesterday, we had tour of the hospital we will be delivering at this next time. If you know anything about my delivery with Clara, it would be our experience with the nursery staff and the time it took for Clara to get from my belly to my arms. Seven and a half hours. Ridiculous. That was enough to make us seek another hospital. We got a great feeling from this one - especially since we asked so many questions and really grilled them.
The experience with the tour and the fact that February 4th is officially 109 days away from today, I am in full panic mode. I have a list of things this child needs (crib, dresser, bedding, clothes - it feels like we are starting over), things that need to get done around the house, things that Clara needs and not alot of time or money to do it. I mean we don't even have a camera!!!!!
I will leave you now with a song. Click on the box below.