Here are a few things Clara has said in the last week I wanted to be sure and write down. Oh, and don't ask me what she is doing in this picture. Only Clara knows why there was a Bumbo on her head and she apparently kept that reason to herself.

"I'm Clara and I'm crafty."
"Mommy, when it stops raining, maybe we can slide on the rainbows."
"I like the air conditioner, it smells like air."
"When I get bigger, I won't be so small."
"Owen, you are a stinky baby."
Clara: "When I get bigger, I am going to be a Mommy."
Mommy: "You will be a great Mommy."
Clara: "Yeah, I can work the remote to the TV, too."
Clara: "This is my favorite kind of lollipop"
Mommy: "How do you know? You have never had that kind before."
Clara: "It just looks like something I like."
Mommy: "I love you, Clara"
Clara: "I know, I love me, too."
Clara: "Is Owen sleeping now?"
Mommy (walking out of Owen's room): "Yes."
Clara: "Yeah! Now we can really have fun!"
I saved the best for last...
Clara: "When Owen gets bigger, I am going to teach him how to go poop on the potty."
Mommy: "That will be a big help."
Clara: "Yeah. Daddy will have to teach him how to go pee-pee because I have a different vagina than Owen."