We had a check-up appointment today and we were super excited about our 26 week sonogram. We were extremely surprised that we were able to get 4-D pictures as well as the 2-D. They did not have this when we had Clara's sonograms so we definitely were not expecting it! It was an incredible experience - especially so, since he was moving the entire time and I could see how he looked while I felt him move. Our doctor is great since she really spoils us with sonograms but we had over 30 minutes of time just watching him along with TONS of pictures.
He is measuring right at 2 pounds - right on target. We also got to see all of the important parts - brain, heart, kidneys, bladder, and the man goods - it all looks great. His little feet were measuring 2 inches - too tiny and sweet!
I took my homework seriously - gain weight. I did it! I gained 4 pounds - YIPPEE!!!!
Here are just a few of the pictures we came home with so enjoy!
We couldn't exactly figure out what little boy was doing here:
Is it "Gun's Up?"
Is it a Flip Off?
We finally decided that he was giving us the Peace Sign. I love it!

Hand in front of face:

Another picture of his hand in front of his face but this time with a little leg:

This habit must be stopped - picking the nose:

A sweet profile picture:

The next two are just perfect shots of his face and his cute little lips: