No, not Clara. Yes, I drove to Dunkin' Donuts because the baby had to have them. Okay, I had to have them. This pregnancy, I get these cravings and I can't rest until I have what I want. Like, today. I had to have sour cream chicken enchiladas. Well, I had them but they weren't good enough. I have to go to yet another Mexican Restaurant to find the sour cream chicken enchiladas that are in my head. The taste, the texture, the smell. Get it? I digress. Donuts.
Clara is on the craving ride with me. She thinks it is fun. Things that I normally would not buy or would rarely let her have: Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Chips, Chips, Chips, and, yes, donuts. As I ordered, I thought "How many chocolate glazed donuts with sprinkles do I really NEED?" Than, I said it out loud to the speaker who was waiting very patiently, "I need one dozen please"
I think my butt just grew 6 inches by just ordering one dozen donuts.
Clara didn't care: