Saturday, August 29, 2009

16 Weeks

16 Weeks! Our tiny baby has grown to be the length of an avocado! My favorite fruit of all time! I am beginning to feel tiny flutters every now and then (although it could also be all the Mexican food that I have been craving and shoveling away) and it is only a matter of time before the real kicking begins!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tiny Dancer

Is there a Weezer Fan Club for two and a half year olds?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thorn in My Side

Laundry. I can't stand it. I would love to just not do it if that was even possible. Okay, so I don't total despise it - I don't mind putting the clothes in the washing machine but anything after that I could definitely do without.
Clara on the other hand loves it. She loves to put it in the washer and the dryer. She loves to take it out and bring it to the living room and pretend to sort it. It is actually pretty cute. Maybe, if I am really good and make a wish upon a star, she will just eventually take over one day. Maybe.

Lately, Clara has been pretty creative with the laundry - putting socks on hands and feet and pretending to be different types of animals, wearing one of Adam's undershirts and pretending to be a doctor, even, yes, this is pretty funny, putting one of my bras on her head and saying that she was wearing earmuffs (sorry, no pictures of that one).

A couple days ago, Clara grabbed a few hangers and announced that she was a bird:The hangers were her wings and then she began to fly:Of course, every bird has to land:

As my Dad puts it - She is "Live Entertainment."
That about sums it up.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oranges Anyone?

Wow! 15 weeks already! It is flying by. The second trimester has been a bit more difficult than the first trimester (this is how it was with Clara - mainly lots of vomiting then). This time around I have had terrible headaches a few that I would definitely call migraines. Those days Clara has watched a lot of television and I have just laid with a pillow on my head. My doctor wants me to drink more caffeine (which I have stopped drinking all together, though I didn't drink that much to begin with) to see if it helps, which it has but has not completely eliminated the daily throbbing. This is where Tylenol is my friend. That along with Dora, Diego and Curious George.

This week, our little one has grown to be the length of a orange!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Baby Was Craving Donuts

No, not Clara. Yes, I drove to Dunkin' Donuts because the baby had to have them. Okay, I had to have them. This pregnancy, I get these cravings and I can't rest until I have what I want. Like, today. I had to have sour cream chicken enchiladas. Well, I had them but they weren't good enough. I have to go to yet another Mexican Restaurant to find the sour cream chicken enchiladas that are in my head. The taste, the texture, the smell. Get it? I digress. Donuts.

Clara is on the craving ride with me. She thinks it is fun. Things that I normally would not buy or would rarely let her have: Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Chips, Chips, Chips, and, yes, donuts. As I ordered, I thought "How many chocolate glazed donuts with sprinkles do I really NEED?" Than, I said it out loud to the speaker who was waiting very patiently, "I need one dozen please"

I think my butt just grew 6 inches by just ordering one dozen donuts.
Clara didn't care:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Playdate and Checkup

My Dad and Zane came over to watch and play with Clara while I went to the doctor for a check up. Dad said they played non-stop and the amount of toys on the floor prove it. Apparently, they had a blast. When I got out of the car, all I could hear was screaming. Not a sad scream or a bad scream or a you are in trouble scream - a pure and joyful scream. It was hilarious. They were just trying to out do each other. When I walked into the house, the look on my Dad's face was "Thank goodness you are home!"

Here are a couple of pictures from their playtime together:

Since Adam had Jury Duty, I took my Mom to the appointment with me. My doctor spoils us with sonograms so we were lucky enough to get another few pictures of our tiny little thing. This little baby was passed out - he/she was not moving at all - the only movement on the screen was the little heartbeat. AND the legs were crossed so we still have no idea what we are having. We go back next month, hopefully little tiny will cooperate - I may drink a giant Dr. Pepper to help him/her along...
Here is one of the latest pics:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Picking Peaches and Going to the Beaches

Okay, so just one beach :) A couple weekends ago, we spent the weekend with Adam's parents. We had a great time. I forgot our camera at their house but they brought it to us last Friday. They also sent us on a date Friday night so they could spend time spoiling Clara. We went to Tillman's Roadhouse (Adam's brother, Derek, is one of the chefs there) and we also saw a movie. Holy moly, that was probably the BEST STEAK I have ever had in my life. Derek also treated us to a super yummy dessert - Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Sandwich. We were literally rolling out of there. SO GOOD! Thanks Derek! And to Papa and Granny for babysitting!
Here are a few pictures from our great weekend in Hideaway...

14 Weeks

I am officially a little over 14 weeks. Tomorrow we have an appointment to check up on our little...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Start Spreading The News...

We are expecting our second baby!!! We are so excited and have been trying not to spill the beans but we really couldn't wait any longer. I am a little over 13 weeks. We have had three doctor appointments so far and everything looks incredible! Clara is going to be a super big sister!

It will be several more weeks until we find out what we are having. We have asked Clara several times if she wants a baby brother or baby sister and most of the time she has said "baby brother" so we will see if she gets what she wants.

With the exception of the sudden onset of insomnia at 2:30 am almost nightly, a time in which I have now declared snack time for me, I have felt pretty good with just a few waves of nauseousness. Compared to when I was pregnant with Clara, I was sick quite often. With Clara, food was my enemy. I was so turned off by so many things but especially any kind of white meat - chicken, turkey, white fish.

This time, oh man, food is amazing! Food tastes better than it has ever in my life. I can eat anything, preferably enormous portions of anything. Every glass of water I drink is the most fresh, most amazing liquid I have ever had. Every bowl of cereal is the most delicious bowl I have ever consumed. Along with cereal, I crave junk - Taco Bell, Egg McMuffins, deep fried anything. Thankfully, I can still fit into some of my normal size clothes but it is only a matter of time before this belly demands more room and I have to bring out all the maternity clothes. Especially, eating deep fried anything!

I found a cute website that compares the size of our baby to fruit. This week, our baby is the length of a Peach! Too Cute!

Happy Birthday Dad!

For my Dad's 65th birthday, my family got together to celebrate. We met at a duck pond near their house to feed the geese and to play a little at the playground. Afterwards, we went back to my parent's house to open presents to eat.
For my Dad's birthday, we surprised everyone with our announcement. Clara walked in wearing a "Big Sister To Be" t-shirt carrying a present: a picture frame with our latest sonogram inside with the saying "See you in February Grandpa!" It was great to surprise everyone. (It's funny, three years ago, for my Dad's birthday, we surprised everyone with our announcement of Clara - we told Dad NOT to expect this announcement every three years :)

Happy Birthday Dad!

A Surprise in Hideaway

The following weekend, we visited Adam's parents and Grandma. It was so much fun surprising them with our good news. Clara arrived in her "Big Sister To Be" t-shirt and first thing out of her mouth was "I'm a Big Sister." Super funny, because at first, they were like "What???" but it didn't take long for Linda and Brew to begin jumping up and down. It was great especially since Derek and Jenn were there as well.

I (well, my pregnancy brain) forgot the camera at their house so I will post pictures of our great weekend of peach picking and swimming as soon as I get the camera back from them. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clara's Big Bonk

Take a hop-on, bright blue, Dora bouncy ball, add a beautiful pink blanket, a sweet, active yet slightly clumsy two and half year old, and finally add a kitchen door frame.
What do you get?

A huge gash in the forehead, followed by gushing blood and tears. Not pretty.
The smile is because she got stickers and a lollipop afterwards :)