On Monday, we went over to Crystal and Kayla's house to play and swim. It was so much fun. The girls played for a while before going outside to the pool. Miss Independent was pretty adamant about being in the pool by herself (which I 100% expected) I even bought her this goofy little floaty swimsuit which fit two weeks ago and obviously does not anymore:

(Don't you just love that ornery little face?)
I am just too paranoid with the swimming pool. Especially since we haven't been in one for nearly 10 months. All she wanted to do was jump in and not let me touch her so after butting heads for a while we finally settled on her sitting in a dragon float and her directing me where to push her. She then got bored and got out. But she did discover Kayla's sand and water table and absolutely loved it. I also had to share this cute little picture of Kayla. Her hair is getting so long, I had to put a ponytail in it.