Waking up from her last nap in her crib:

So the time is here. This happened a little sooner than we had anticipated. It all began with Clara's drop down side of her crib breaking. We could not figure out what happened, it just one day stopped functioning. So we bit the bullet and started hyping up a big girl bed. Grandma and Grandpa were very generous in buying Clara's big girl bed. A Jenny Lind bed in antique white from Land of Nod. The only word I can describe it: Sweet. It is very "little girl."
On Friday, I told Clara that when Daddy got home, she would get her big girl bed. She enjoyed one last nap (a beloved 3 1/2 hours) in her crib. The first words out of her mouth when we got her out of bed were "I get big girl bed now!" She was so excited she really couldn't contain herself. She hopped out of her crib and helped us get to work. The bed itself was easy to put together - the safety rails took a bit longer. But we got it all together.

Once we finally got the sheets on and all of her familiar things in the new bed she hopped in and laid down to play her favorite game: night-night. She was just in heaven.
Adam and I almost didn't know what to do with ourselves yesterday afternoon. She spent a LONG time in her room just soaking it all in and reading in bed (she is definitely our child).

So, her room is still a construction zone. We still have to order her comforter. We have lots of rearranging and a lot of furniture to move out as you can see from the picture below - it is wall-to-wall furniture right now. We also have a "new" antique dresser that we have to move in and I also have to figure out what to do with her bookshelf. I will post pictures when I finally get it all together.

I almost forgot, she slept really good last night. I heard her moving around in bed but instead of waking up at 7:30/8:00 we got the wake up call at 5:45. There was definitely lots of coffee drinking in our house this morning. She also took a pretty good nap this afternoon, too. I am hoping for a later wake up call tomorrow morning!