I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday and I hope all you mommies did too! I was lucky enough to be able to sleep in and then two hours later turn around and nap for a couple of hours and be absolutely lazy all day. It was WONDERFUL!!!! I was spoiled with some roll reversal - Adam did laundry, cleaned and cooked and took care of Clara all day (not that she is hard to take care of) but it was certainly nice not to have to think too much. Maybe I should clarify. Adam works his cute little behind off around the house, it was just nice to see someone else doing my chores!! Thanks baby!
I seem to request only one thing from Adam each year I have been lucky enough to be a Mommy. My first year (Clara was about two months old) - hang a new bedroom fan. Postpartum hormones were still raging and God know I needed that thing! Last year (Clara was about 14 months) - I didn't want to change a single diaper. Boy that was a nice day! This year, I just didn't want to leave the house. I wanted to have a total lazy day and I got it. We were lucky enough to share the afternoon with our good friends Rebecca and Bryce. The boys made us several margaritas why they cooked dinner and cleaned - thanks guys! Those were great margaritas and a great day. We didn't take too many pictures - margaritas and photography don't go well together - with me anyway.