While locked up over the last couple of weeks, not being able to go outside, we have had to create some indoor fun. We pretty much were going stir crazy this day, one of the many days we stayed in our pajamas until after nap. We raided all the closets looking for anything else that would keep us occupied. The Bumbo. Yes, Clara still fits into her Bumbo. She began using it at two months and at two years old, her thighs are still skinny enough to fit in and out of the Bumbo's small openings. She loves to take it room to room, reading, playing in the play kitchen and even watching television. While I was on the computer, Clara was watching TV and peeked my head around the corner to find this:

It's funny because my friend Shayla posted on her blog about her kids doing something similar just days before this happened, and I remember thinking that is hilarious - how in the world did they come up with that? Well, now I know. Kids, you gotta love them.