My child is a reader. If you give her a book in a room full of toys she would be happy with just that book. Yesterday morning, she begged me (in her own little way "Please, Mommy, Blocks") to bring her wooden blocks out into the living room. So I did. Then she said "Out, Mommy." So I dumped out the blocks and sat down, thinking that she wanted to play and build towers and castles but I was sadly mistaken. She then took the green block box back into her room and preceded to empty one of her book shelves. After she got as many books into it as she thought fit, she pushed the box full of books into the kitchen and laid down and began to read all of them. One after another. On the hard stone floor. 

Care Package
A few weeks ago we got to send the first care package to our little boy in
Korea! Kyle and Haley has so much fun helping me pick out some things to
12 years ago