Two years ago, at my baby shower, my friend and former co-worker, Mary, gave us a stick horse for Clara for when she got older. I especially loved it because my kindergarten classroom had a cowboy/cowgirl theme at the time. I kept it in Clara's room for nearly a year as a decoration and put it away in her closet when she got a little older because it was drug against the wall a few too many times when she got ahold of it. For some reason, I felt like today would be a good day to reintroduce it to her. Man does she love it. She played with it for almost an hour today and probably would have kept playing but it was dinner time. I have no idea how many times she said "Neigh" but she said it nearly the entire time she was playing with it. Tomorrow, we will work on the gallop.
Care Package
A few weeks ago we got to send the first care package to our little boy in
Korea! Kyle and Haley has so much fun helping me pick out some things to
12 years ago