Last night, we visited Santa's Village in Richardson along with the Bartletts. It was a quick visit - neither one of the kids didn't last long - and it was extremely crowded but we were happy we went. Although, we didn't actually visit with Santa, the line was VERY long, we let Clara peek at him and she enjoyed seeing him. This was Clara's first trip out of the house in nearly a week and she was just so excited to be out and about. They are still too young to understand all the happenings of Christmas or the excitement of what is connected with it so all they really wanted to do was run. I can't wait for next year - hopefully the weather will cooperate like it did last night - nothing like running around in December when it is 75 degrees! We grabbed jackets just in case but we definitely didn't need them!
My Two Loves
My neighbor teaches a Sign Choir at her school and they were performing last night. Clara thought it was pretty neat and was imitating the kids on stage as they signed Patriotic Songs and Christmas Carols. Here is a video of Clara "singing" with her hands: