Crystal has a sweet cat named Zema. I always knew she was sweet but I have a completely different view of just how sweet after today. Little Kayla slept all morning so after Clara got bored playing with Crystal and me, she cozied up to Zema. It was so sweet to watch them. Clara was really gentle and was just in heaven (our cats run like the wind when she comes near.)

And it was time to come home, I loaded Clara up in the van and began our drive home. She usually passes out in the car driving home but before she does, she soothes herself to sleep. She never took a pacifier but she has always had hair. "Huh?" you ask. Clara always has her hair out of her face in a ponytail and it soothes her to hold it as she falls asleep. Normall,y she just has the one ponytail on top of her head. Well, since it has been a bit longer, I have been doing pigtails. This is how she fell asleep today in the car: