We waited at the place where he was supposed to be for a good hour and used our time psyching her up for the infamous sighting. There were Barney posters, Barney balloons, Barney toys, Barney coloring books and of course, Barney was playing on TV. When he finally arrived, I swear her eyes got HUGE and they lit up like I have never seen them before. I even heard a tiny, little whisper "Bar-nee." I even got excited. When it was our turn, I asked Clara if she wanted to walk and she said "yes." So, I put her down and she walked right up to him with the biggest smile and just stared. She shook his hand, hugged him, kissed him. She sang all the way home a made up song that included the word Barney. She was starstruck.
Now, if only Johnny Depp would come to town...