Owen is seven months old!
Owen is now...
16 pounds 3 ounces
Still a little guy but he definitely has some chunky spots. Still in six month clothing and well on his way to nine month clothes. I got tired of buying two sizes of diapers (one size for day and one size for night) so I just decided to put him in size three completely.

Owen still drinks six ounces of milk every three hours. I have yet to find a sippy cup that he likes though! For nearly a month, he protested eating solids.

Never really enjoyed it anyway (but would eat a little) but lately flat out has refused to eat any kind of solids whatsoever. Yesterday, it dawned on me that Clara hated plastic baby spoons, so I tried one of our smallest silverware spoons. He ate two solid meals yesterday and one this morning. Hopefully this was the problem and he will continue to eat! Little Stinker!

Owen is truly a character and his little personality gets revealed more and more each day. Completely in love with Clara, he now can launch himself towards her and go in for a "hug." It surprises her each time he does it but she is still really good with him when he does.

He is very affectionate, loves to be held but only if you are standing or walking. You stop or sit he either fusses or wiggles to get down.
Owen learned how to sit up this month and also has figured out how to raise himself to a sitting position from laying down (which is still so weird to go into his room to get him after nap and see him sitting waiting for me instead of laying waiting for me.)

He woke up this morning with his second tooth - right next to his first.
You probably didn't even notice but Owen has had four hair cuts and needs another one. I think his next haircut will be from a barber shop - anyone know of a good one? I am not one of those people who will wait for my boys curls and keep them around because they are so cute. I have this weird need to keep his hair short. Unfortunately, I also want it spiky and a little punky. The natural spikes are gone. I have to run my fingers through it for it to do anything. Maybe it is time to start thinking about product...

Owen's new obsession is paper. Magazines, mail, books, my work papers, Clara's drawings. You name it - if he can wiggle to it, he will eat it.
We are in official baby-proofing mode. If you didn't see the video of him attempting to crawl,
here it is. It is only a matter of time before he really figures it out - Sigh.

Oh Boy!
I will leave you with the latest in the shark series...
Seven Months...

Six Months...

Five Months...

Four Months...

Three Months...

Two Months...

One Month...

Two Days...