Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Clara had her first day of preschool today. She was so excited and ready to go this morning. She woke up early and we made her a special breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and fruit. When we got to her school she walked in to the classroom by herself and put her backpack up and went straight to work - on play-dough of course ;) I think Adam and I thought that it wouldn't be that easy but she wanted us to go! Too funny.

She had a great day - apparently she was the leader for circle time and she thought it was too cool to have snack with her friends - she can't remember any of their names - she just calls them her "new friends."

I asked her if she was scared - she said "Nope."
I asked her if she cried - she said "Nope."
I asked her if she liked school - she said "Yep, when can I go back?"
New Backpack...
I think she was wondering if I was going to take pictures the entire time...

Chewbaca? Is that You?

So, your normal baby babbles and makes cute sweet noises. Coos. Sighs.

Not Owen.

He is practicing to be a manly man. Owen moans, growls, burps and grunts - you know - manly noises. Chewbaca-like. Seriously. He is so noisy when he gets going sometimes you feel like you have to yell over him or just join him.

Here is what we hear from him each day...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Harper!

We helped celebrate our sweet niece Harper's first birthday. We had such a great time - Happy Birthday Harper!!!! We love you!!!
The "After"
This is what Owen was doing during part of the party...

Snack Time

So some people might think that this is gross but I absolutely love to eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. I have passed this (probably disgusting) love to my sweet daughter. She requests this as a snack at least three times a week. That's my girl.

Playing in the Rain

Last week, we had incredible weather (with the exception of Monday where it was 107!) One day, we woke up to light rain showers and I thought Clara should play outside. Seriously - it was beautiful. Owen and I had a great time watching Clara splash and run around in the rain. She was soaking wet by the time we came in. Oh, and those pajamas are her very favorite - Christmas Dora pajamas from last Christmas. She will not let me get rid of them even though they are too small!

Kayla and Crystal

We had a great play date with Crystal and Kayla last week. The girls were so fun to watch together especially considering we haven't had a play date in months!

Crystal - you know I had to include this...
Not real sure why they felt the need to lay down in the middle of the kitchen with a pillow, blanket and a guitar but they were having fun!

So Stylish!

Last week, we had a play date with Crystal and Kayla.

This was our conversation...

Me: "Clara, your clothes are in your room. Go get dressed so we can go see Kayla!"

Clara goes to her room and gets dressed.

She then comes out of her room and declares...
"Mommy, I'm so stylish!"

She comes around the corner and this is what I see...

That is exactly how she goes to our play date.

Tea Party

While Owen has attended MANY tea parties hosted by Clara, he never really participated until the other day. Clara loved every moment of it (Owen did, too) - she gave him plates, a bowl, a cup and play food. She thought he was just playing along pretending to eat. Little does she know that her wooden play food makes a pretty good teething toy, too!

Earth to Clara...

Clara had a specific request when we started her weekly manicure.

"Mommy, I want the Earth."

Oh, Geez. How in the world? Seriously.

This was the best I could do. Of course, she wanted a light blue earth and a dark blue earth pattern.Can't wait for next week. Wonder what she will request...

Seven Months Old

Owen is seven months old!

Owen is now...

16 pounds 3 ounces

Still a little guy but he definitely has some chunky spots. Still in six month clothing and well on his way to nine month clothes. I got tired of buying two sizes of diapers (one size for day and one size for night) so I just decided to put him in size three completely.
Owen still drinks six ounces of milk every three hours. I have yet to find a sippy cup that he likes though! For nearly a month, he protested eating solids.
Never really enjoyed it anyway (but would eat a little) but lately flat out has refused to eat any kind of solids whatsoever. Yesterday, it dawned on me that Clara hated plastic baby spoons, so I tried one of our smallest silverware spoons. He ate two solid meals yesterday and one this morning. Hopefully this was the problem and he will continue to eat! Little Stinker!

Owen is truly a character and his little personality gets revealed more and more each day. Completely in love with Clara, he now can launch himself towards her and go in for a "hug." It surprises her each time he does it but she is still really good with him when he does.

He is very affectionate, loves to be held but only if you are standing or walking. You stop or sit he either fusses or wiggles to get down.

Owen learned how to sit up this month and also has figured out how to raise himself to a sitting position from laying down (which is still so weird to go into his room to get him after nap and see him sitting waiting for me instead of laying waiting for me.)

He woke up this morning with his second tooth - right next to his first.

You probably didn't even notice but Owen has had four hair cuts and needs another one. I think his next haircut will be from a barber shop - anyone know of a good one? I am not one of those people who will wait for my boys curls and keep them around because they are so cute. I have this weird need to keep his hair short. Unfortunately, I also want it spiky and a little punky. The natural spikes are gone. I have to run my fingers through it for it to do anything. Maybe it is time to start thinking about product...
Owen's new obsession is paper. Magazines, mail, books, my work papers, Clara's drawings. You name it - if he can wiggle to it, he will eat it.

We are in official baby-proofing mode. If you didn't see the video of him attempting to crawl, here it is. It is only a matter of time before he really figures it out - Sigh.Oh Boy!

I will leave you with the latest in the shark series...

Seven Months...
Six Months...
Five Months...
Four Months...
Three Months...
Two Months...
One Month...
Two Days...