So, I thought I would post a few pictures of the Little Man's room. It dawned on me last night that I haven't taken any pictures of it. My Mom did an incredible job on making the curtains and bed skirt. She is in the middle of finishing up the pillow for the chair. Also, I have a few more odds and ends I am still looking for for the shelves, but I figured I will find them eventually. The two posters on either side of the window are from Little Man's Uncle Mark that we had framed.

Don't you wish you had X-Ray Vision??? Underneath this beautiful brown paper is his name! Only Adam, myself and the man at
Junk-a-Doodle know the name and he has been sworn to secrecy. But I do recommend shopping there! It is the greatest place to find cute stuff!

I fell in love with this silly old picture...

This cute little dog picture is actually a puzzle that Adam and I did in college. I had a pretty nasty roller-blading accident and was laid-up for a couple days. So, Adam took care of me and after we finished the puzzle he surprised me by having it framed.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Adam as a little boy - who doesn't love those naked baby pictures - especially ones in cowboy boots? The little silver cup and silverware was mine and is engraved with my name. I just thought it would be cute to display them in his room.

If you look carefully, you can see one of our nosy old cats in a few of the pictures. She will not leave my side anytime I am home. She is more clingy than Clara is right now. Everywhere I go, she goes. If I go outside, she will meow at the door until I come in. I guess she knows something is about to happen!
Clara's room is done, too! About time, huh? Well, I am waiting for her letters of her name to dry - Adam is painting them pink. As soon as we hang them, I will take pictures. It is such a girlie little room!