Monday, June 30, 2008

Playing at the Park with Grandma and Grandpa

Girls Weekend

Girls Weekend

I joined some of my very best girlfriends for some much needed R & R this past weekend in Austin. We rented a small bed and breakfast and had the whole place to ourselves. It was so good to get away and catch up and float in the pool for hours on end. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sweet Clara B

Check out this picture:

Clara gets super comfortable between the slats of her crib. This is a nightly occurance and thank goodness Adam has the ability to go in and move her without waking her up!

Clara at the park playing with bubbles. Unfortunately none of my other pictures came out and there are no bubbles in the picture! Trust me she had a blast!

Clara loving her blocks.

Me and my Ella

Clara and Ella have a very sweet relationship. I can't explain their connection but they absolutely love each other and I thought I would share a few videos from our Sunday Fun Day with you!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Dip in the Pool

A Dip in the Pool - Can You Guess the Dip?

We visited Aunt Jenn and Uncle Derek this afternoon to help celebrate Derek's graduation from Culinary School at The Art Institute of Dallas. Jenn threw a great poolside party!

Granny and Papa

Granny and Papa came to town to attend Derek's graduation and Clara certainly enjoyed their visit as you can see from her great big grin.

A Little Light Reading

Grapes of Wrath? Really? Whatever happened to Goodnight Moon?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where is Thatcher?

Where is Thatcher?

Good thing Adam left his business cards where Clara could reach!

Reading with Friends